Aust Supreme Ch Aust Grand Ch
Crosswynds Full Throttle 'Charli'
(PRA prcd 'A' by parentage.)
Princess Charli is a very special girl.
After a close call with death as a puppy, and over 2 weeks of 24 hours a day care,
we managed to nurse her back to good health.
A consistent winner from Minor Puppy class, at two years old Charli was Best of Variety at the
7th National Poodle Specialty Show with an entry of 56 Minature Poodles,
under Poodle specialist Mrs Kim Sillito-Beale (UK) (Malibu Kennels)
Critique: She came into the ring and I couldn't take my eyes off her!
My notes just read 'fab' 'fab' 'fab'. The most feminine even coloured cocoa brown in full coat with
the most balanced of constructional proportions. I loved her pretty head and eye
with such a wicked expression.
Lovely to go over in all departments. A truly classic poodle who came into her own on the move
and she did that so very well.
Smart with great drive and carriage. She was in great coat and beautifully presented in full lion trim.
A truly great Miniature Poodle.
Charli wins Best of Variety at the 8th National Poodle Specialty Show under Poodle specialist
Mrs. Barbara Cherry (UK)(Shanandi Poodles ),with a record entry of 61 Miniature Poodles.
Critique: An outstanding brown bitch, with attitude and ring presence, refined feminine head,
with lovely expression, excellent shoulders and rear angulation, firm well ribbed body,
lovely colour, well presented, very light free movement.
Charli is a Best In Show, multiple All Breeds Runner Up Best In Show
and multiple Best In Group winner.
Thank you to all of the highly esteemed judges that have awarded Charli her many wins.
Thank you also to Ray & Jan Walker for helping us breed such an outstanding bitch,
and to the late Mark Chapman for helping us save Charli's life.

Charli, after winning Best in Group, waiting to be judged for Best in Show.
Charli retired from the show ring 2008.
Charli was grown back and shown in 2012 to gain
her Supreme Champion Title.
Charli is the mother of
Aust Ch Crosswynds National Treasure 'Gates'
Crosswynds Tomb Raider 'Lara'
(Unfortunatly never shown due to accident)
Aust Ch Crosswynds Serendipity 'Sara'
Our beautiful Princess Charli passed away on
Friday 4th January 2013.
We would like to thank Robert Zammit and the staff
of Vineyard Veterinary Clinic for the great care they gave Charli
during her treatment and extended stays there.
R.I.P. our Princess
We treasure all the memories.