In NSW we should all be aware of the rules and regulations
covering transport of our animals in cars.
There is legislation in place and to comply with the safety standards
that does not require a huge expense.
The Road and Maritime Services of NSW advise that the Police
can fine a driver and issue demerit points if an animal is causing
the driver to not be in full control of the vehicle, or if they are driving
with a dog on their lap.
Currently the penalty is 3 demerit points and a $425 fine.
If the offence occurs in a School Zone, the penalty is higher.
Animals must be seated or housed in an appropriate area of the car.
'Seated' requires an animal to be secured via a harness.
Housed' means animals must travel in a suitable crate with it positioned
to minimise excessive movement within the vehicle.
Caution should be exercised when having animals 'seated' in a harness.
Be mindful of where Airbags are installed, as in the event of an accident,
serious injury or death of your animal could occur,
if they are positioned too close to a deploying Airbag.
Animals must not be transported in the boot of a car.
An unrestrained animal that is injured in an accident could result in
an owner being fined up to $5,500 and up to 6 months gaol as the RSPCA
have the power to issue fines if it is proven that the animal was not securely
seated or housed within the car.
Below are some pictures of a seat harness and crates.
